After consulting with communities and gambling industry stakeholders, the government of Victoria, Australia is all set to proceed with the integration of the pre-commitment system in all gaming machines in its jurisdiction. For this purpose, the Victoria Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation has chosen Intralot Gaming Services (IGS), as the preferred provider for the technology that will allow punters to control their gambling activities.
Under the pre-commitment scheme, players have the option to access features that allow them to limit time and money spent on gaming machines. However, the integration of the pre-commitment technology is mandatory for all gaming machines operating in Victoria’s territory.
IGS is currently, the licensed provider of monitoring equipment used by Victoria gambling regulators in overseeing the gaming venues and gambling machines operating within their jurisdiction. Thus, the selection of IGS as the pre-commitment technology provider posed as the most economical and viable solution.
The card-based and networked system that has been previously tested and put forward for public consultation, puts in place self- service terminals called pre-commitment kiosks where players can access the tools that allow the setting or re-setting of playing limits. They can likewise get hold of data about all their betting activities from the pre-commitment kiosks, so they can make informed decisions when controlling or minimizing their penchant for gambling. All pre-commitment kiosks, connect to a central system that runs the pre-commitment program and the secure database containing player profiles and gambling activities.
The Victorian State Government expects full-implementation of the system by December of year 2015.